Who is Virginia Fonseca? The sensual blonde who danced with Neymar on his cruise ship

Neymar’s cruise may be over after three days spent at sea, but images and information continue to emerge from the party that took place onboard the cruiseliner.

A recent video has revealed the sensual dance performed by social media influencer Virginia Fonseca, who is married to singer Z Felipe, in front of the Brazilian winger.

Neymar and total debauchery on his cruise, party after partyTik Tok

She danced along to the rhythm of the Bole-Bole choreography, with the player and others also joining in. And it was noticeable how she made sensual movements with her hips and body, which caught the attention of those present, including Neymar.

Social media users were not impressed with her actions, though, with some questioning where her husband was while she was entertaining Neymar.

One user wrote: “Z Felipe, take care of yourself, because just as Neymar watched Virginia dancing here, my friend kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.”

Others, however, felt that she was well within her rights to have some fun.

One fan hit back, writing: “What century are they living in, huh? They’d rather see men bossing women around and think they own them, wouldn’t they? Wow, the girl is having fun, did she go on this trip to sit next to her husband just because she’s married?”

Who is Virginia Fonseca?

Virginia Fonseca is a prominent influencer on social media and entrepreneur in Brazil. In 2022, she was elected Brazilian Influencer of the Year during the People’s Choice Awards.

She also made her name when Forbes included her in their annual Under-30s list in the internet category, which led her to become an ambassador for Brazil’s Assistance Association for Disabled Children (AACD) in 2023.

In November, she signed a contract with the Brazilian Television System (SBT). She is also a partner of the cosmetics brand We Pink, the same brand that coincidentally has a partnership with Neymar.

Her Instagram profile is one of the most followed in Brazil, and on YouTube she has over 11 million subscribers.

The Brazilian, who was born in Connecticut, USA, also owns a beauty clinic and a personal marketing agency, according to Bloomberg Linea. She has been married to Ze Felipe, with whom she has two daughters, since 2021.

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