Lionel Messi's name saved Jewish Argentinian grandma from Hamas abductors

The term ‘Leo Messi’s grandma‘ just took a whole new meaning after hearing the story of Jewish abductee who was a prisoner of Hamas after October 7 for months. An image of an elderly woman holding a large gun and a Hamas soldier greeting the camera went viral months ago. People imagined she was from Israel but it turns out she is from Argentina. Her name is Ester Cunio and she tells the story of how naming Lionel Messi saved her life from potential death by Hamas. Cunio spoke to Fuente Latina about the famous picture ad asked Messi for help to rescue her two grandsons.

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She says: “I told him not to talk to me because I didn’t understand his language. The Arab language, and I speak poor Hebrew. I speak Argentinean Spanish, so he asks what Argentina is. Then I tell him, ‘do you watch football?’ He said he liked it and I told him I am from Messi’s country. He was surprised and told me he loves Messi. He put his arm on my shoulder, gave me his gun, he made me do the peace sign and they snapped the picture. Now I hope that if Messi watches this and sees I was saved because of him, I would ask him to help my grandchildren who are still abducted. They are good kids. Their names are David and Ariel.

Has Messi responded to Ester Cunio’s message?

So far, there is no confirmation from Leo Messi on his social media that he at least saw the message. However, this story may already be on the Inter Miami star’s radar. We will update you with any new developments on this story that just came out on Thursday. Lionel Messi is known for many acts of kindness and charity work he has through his foundation. Ester Cunio seemed concerned about her two grandsons, as any grandmother would be. Naming sports stars in situations of war is not new, there have been a number of times other great names have saved people’s lives.

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