Infantino wants strong penalties imposed on clubs with racist fans

FIFA PresidentGianni Infantino has strongly condemned recent incidents of racism in football, particularly addressing the recent case in Italy where AC Milan goalkeeper Mike Maignan left the field due to monkey chants.

In response to such incidents, including Sheffield Wednesday fans making monkey gestures towards Coventry City star Kasey Palmer, Infantino issued a statement expressing his disapproval and called for sanctions.

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In fact, he advocated for the automatic forfeiture of matches for teams whose fans engage in racist insults, emphasizing a firm stance against racism in football.

Infantino calls acts unacceptable

“The events that took place in Udine and Sheffield on Saturday are totally abhorrent and completely unacceptable,” Infantino said.

“There is no place for racism or any form of discrimination – both in football and in society. The players affected by Saturday’s events have my undivided support.

“We need ALL the relevant stakeholders to take action, starting with education in schools so that future generations understand that this is not part of football or society.

“As well as the three-step process (match stopped, match re-stopped, match abandoned), we have to implement an automatic forfeit for the team whose fans have committed racism and caused the match to be abandoned as well as worldwide stadium bans and criminal charges for racists.

“FIFA and football shows full solidarity to victims of racism and any form of discrimination. Once and for all: No to racism! No to any form of discrimination!”

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