Angel Di Maria threatened with death by narco-terrorists: We will s**t on him by killing a family member…

The family of Angel Di Maria, former Real Madrid, Manchester United and Paris Saint-Germain forward, have received death threats after the Argentina international admitted he would like to finish his career at Rosario Central, the club he made his debut for in 2005.

The 36-year-old, who currently plays for Benfica, received the threat at his family’s home on the outskirts of Rosario.

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Threatening message to Di Maria: Tell Angel not to come back to Rosario because if he does, we’ll kill a family member

Local media reported that a car left a sign in front of the private Funes Hills Miraflores housing estate where Di Maria usually stays, warning him that not even provincial governor Maximiliano Pullaro could guarantee his safety if he returned to the city.

“Tell your son Angel not to come back to Rosario because otherwise we’ll kill a relative. Not even Pullaro is going to save you. We don’t throw papers. We throw lead and dead people,” was the message left for Di Maria‘s father, according to ‘Infobae’, citing police sources.

Gabriel Lopez, head of security at the housing estate, said “four detonations” were heard before a Renault Megane sped away after throwing the black nylon package.

Narco-terrorists are sowing terror in Rosario and have forced the government to intervene.

The city of Rosario has recently experienced a sharp increase in violence, for which groups described as “narco-terrorists” have been responsible.

“There is an unwavering commitment to fight drug trafficking,” said Defence Minister Luis Petri, who launched an operation in which armed forces troops and resources were deployed in Rosario.

Club Atletico Rosario Central issued a statement condemning the threats against Di Maria: “We feel aggrieved, damaged and harmed because this type of violent action is a direct attack on the economy and sporting success of the clubs. It is unacceptable that they want to intimidate footballers or attack them and/or their families, who are the main protagonists of sporting events, just as violence against any member of the football family is unacceptable.”

At the moment, Di Maria, a former player of Rosario Central, Real Madrid, Manchester United, PSG and Juventus, is in training with the Argentina national team.

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