5 mystery novels to curl up with this winter

5 mystery novels to curl up with this winter

King audaciously expanded the Sherlock Holmes canon three decades ago when she published “The Beekeeper’s Apprentice,” introducing readers to 15-year-old Mary Russell, neighbor and intellectual equal to the Great Detective. In the years since then, King has detailed over numerous books how Russell and Holmes joined forces, in marriage and sleuthing, to solve cases around the world. In their latest adventure, “The Lantern’s Dance,” the pair travels to France to try to figure out who is behind a break-in at the home of Holmes’s artist son, Damian Adler, and his family. Once the family is moved to a safer place, Holmes follows the intruder to Paris while Russell, housebound with an injured foot, looks through Adler’s family archives for clues. Deftly interlacing present and past, King offers further fascinating insights into Holmes’s family while also delivering an intriguing mystery. (Bantam, Feb. 13)

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