Indian officials visit Foxconn iPhone plant, question executives about hiring  | Reuters News Agency

Indian officials visit Foxconn iPhone plant, question executives about hiring  | Reuters News Agency

Business & Finance

Reuters exclusively reported that Indian labour officials visited a Foxconn factory in the country’s south this week and questioned executives about the company’s hiring practices after Reuters reported that the major Apple supplier has been rejecting married women from iPhone assembly jobs. 

Market Impact

A Reuters investigation published last week found Foxconn systematically excluded married women from assembly jobs at its main Indian iPhone plant on the grounds they have more family responsibilities than their unmarried counterparts. 

Article Tags

Topics of Interest: Business & Finance

Type: Reuters Best

Sectors: Business & Finance

Regions: Asia

Countries: India

Win Types: Exclusivity

Story Types: Exclusive / Scoop

Media Types: Text

Customer Impact: Significant National Story

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