Maradona Junior: They killed my father and I have an idea who the culprit is

Maradona Junior: They killed my father and I have an idea who the culprit is

The Italian-Argentine Diego Armando Maradona Junior, son of the legendary Maradona, has said that his father was “killed” because “he was abandoned to his fate when something could have been done” and revealed that he has “an idea” of who could have been the culprit.

Controversy surrounded the death at the time, given the fact Maradona was in hospital, and his children are now looking into the matter.

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“There is an open investigation. We – his children – have a lot of faith in Argentine justice. I am convinced that this should not have ended like this,” he told Mediaset.

“They killed my father. It’s not my job to say who did it, I have my own idea but I can’t say it. They left him to his fate when something could have been done.

“I made a promise: until the last day of my life, I will fight for justice.”

How did Maradona’s son cope with his death?

The son of the historic footballer, who was born in Naples (1986) from an extramarital affair between ‘Diego’ and Cristiana Sinagra, explained how he experienced his father’s death.

The feeling of emptiness will never go away. But the affection that everyone shows him eases the pain, at least in part,” he explained.

“I try to look at things from the positive side. I fought for a long time with my mother and the whole family for the recognition of paternity, and in the end, I had the privilege of being close to him and having a normal father-son relationship. It was a beautiful four years.”

He also admitted that his biggest regret was that Maradona was unable to meet his granddaughter and revealed that he still feels pain.

I haven’t fully accepted his death. I don’t think I will ever accept it. It wasn’t the right time,” he said.

“At the time when it was bad, I was hospitalized by Covid and I couldn’t go to Argentina. I received a message from a Spanish friend, but I had no idea of anything. I turned on the television and saw that everyone was talking about his death. Then my wife confirmed the news.”

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